Behavioral problems

Cats are fascinating animals, but when things aren’t right, cats have their own way of letting you know.  They do this in a lot of different ways including defecating or urinating outside of the litter box, or by starting to claw at the walls or furniture.  Some show their frustration by biting their owner or other people, both adults and children.  Clearly, this is not acceptable behavior, and that’s when I need to come into the picture.

To be able to change a habit or a behavior, one must know what is causing that behavior and what triggers it.  This can take time, but I usually find the cause and can create an action plan that the owner or owners need to follow.  With a few changes, the problematic behavior can usually be stopped, but it is important to address the problem before it has gone on too long.

Common problems I can help you with are when the cat for example:

  • Urinates where it isn’t supposed to
  • Defecates where it isn’t supposed to
  • Scratches on walls or furniture
  • Bites people
  • Attacks people or other animals
  • Fights with other cats
  • Eats fabric
  • Bites cords
  • Is scared or anxious
  • Wakes you at night
  • Meows constantly

If your cat suddenly alters its behavior, it is a good idea to take the cat to a veterinarian first in order to rule out the possibility of a medical problem.

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